Our Stay at Home, Trying to Stay Healthy Journey

When asked, via text, from friends and family about how my boys and I are doing during this stay at home time, I inevitably respond, “We have each had our meltdowns, but are mostly hanging in there.” This is the truth. Some days are definitely better than others.

I have seen several jokes about the ups and downs of having a “quarenTWEEN” – and I can relate. Having usually active 11 and 13-year old’s that are now doing remote learning, often begrudgingly, while also managing my own full-time work from home has presented a fair share of emotions and drama – from all of us. However, we have also done our best to find moments of gratitude, try to make the most of it, and come up with a loose “quaranROUTINE” that includes drinking more water and getting outside together to move our bodies in some way every day. We are trying to take this “opportunity” of togetherness and no official schedule to work on things that we did not have or find the time for previously. READ MORE

FOX 9: App helping burgeoning soccer stars keep their skill sharp

The MOTI 3D Soccer Training App is helping young players learn the sport of soccer while developing their skill.

Alan Merrick was interviewed recently on KMSP FOX 9 TV about the MOTI Soccer (previously known as MOTI Mobile) 3D Soccer Training App. View the news story now.


Coaching Children Ages U6/U8 – Part 3

This is the last in a three-part series on coaching children at this young age.  Look back to the previous months to view the first and second parts.


Children at these ages are being introduced to just how much FUN it is to play soccer.  By providing a safe and fun environment you can insure a positive experience for the children.

You are coaching because you care for children.  You may not even know much about soccer (well, not yet anyway), and that is OK!  What you bring to the soccer field as their coach is your personality!  Your enthusiasm for them will show through any misgivings you might have about your soccer coaching abilities.  Remember that these children may not remember what you teach them about soccer, but they will always remember how you make them feel. READ MORE

Stuck At Home

We understand that kids have lots of energy. The MOTI Soccer Training App is here for you. Keep your kids busy learning Soccer skills. 

In this time of uncertainty and distancing, we have decided to offer our Foundation Soccer Skills package for FREE!

  • Download the MOTI™ Soccer app free from iTunes or Google Store
  • Touch I am new to MOTI Sports
  • Enter your email address and get on the Foundation Skills Team 

    Physical Ed Teachers, MOTI is for you!

    A soccer module is being taught in elementary and middle school for at least one two-week session, and often two separate two weeks sessions every year.  What if these teachers, most of whom are not proficient at soccer, are given the tools to present to their students an all-encompassing soccer unit with measurable standards!

    We have developed, with the help of Physical Education Teachers and experts in the education field, a great tool for teachers to use in their classrooms that is flexible, inexpensive, fun for the kids, and produces measurable results. READ MORE

    Challenge can be fun

    As a father, I enjoy seeing my kids play.  It is fun to watch them and it makes my passion come to life.

    Last week for the first time in my life my son walked away disappointed after a game.  He said, “We stunk, Dad.  We will never win a game.”

    I tried to comfort him.  I told him how he was able to get more shots off this game than the game before and how we were working really hard.  A player from the other team walked up to him after the game and told him how much respect he had for his team and him. READ MORE

    Hey Coach, Are YOU Having Fun Yet?

    Early in my coaching career, I realized that no matter how hard my day had been or how tired I was, I inevitably left practice or time with the team I was coaching in a better mood than when I had arrived. I was and still am consistently energized by sharing my love for the game, by the “aha” moments, by hard work, and the list could go on.

    While “fun” comes in different forms for every person, if you aren’t having fun as the coach, chances are high that the kids likely aren’t having much fun either. READ MORE